04 May 2017

the butterfly thief - a poem by Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner

read the story of this poem and the background to it here on Kathy's blog. 


Anonymous said...

Sad, but true. I'm taking you with me, the new mantra of the planet.

A Cuban In London said...

Great poem. Also, very pleased that the Hay Festival is getting on board with climate change.

Greetings from London.

am said...

Thank you for posting this. Young people like Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner continue give me hope for the future, against terrible odds. Googling around, I found that Alice Walker is an admirer of Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner's work.

"... And as I stand before you now, I am hopeful in my rage ..." (Ferron)

Hattie said...

The Marsallese have been kicked around for centuries. It's a very poor society. They suffer from illnesses relating to the H-Bomb tests done there in the 50's. Many come here to Hawaii for medical and other services. Our mean Republican ex-governor tried to cut their benefits but was not successful.
I don't know whether bees and other pollinators are actually native to the M.I. They are not native here, but they are essential to grow crops that evolved with them; ie most of what's grown here.
I haven't looked it up, but I suspect the Marshallese import most of their food, which Hawaii also does.
The biggest danger, of course, to the islands' survival is storms and flooding.